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JILLite は約 20 年にわたり、産業、法医学、軍事、レジャー活動向けのさまざまな照明や 機器を開発、製造を手がけています。
中でも、科学捜査と防衛産業におけるforensic光源の開発は、常に最先端の技術を 取り入れており、
捜査現場の環境に素早く対応できる技術力と高いパフォーマンスを兼ね備えた製品を 私たちパーレイがお届けします。
JIL Lite has, for the past 20 years, been involved in the makings and development of Lighting and Equipment for uses in Industrial, forensic, military and leisure scenes.
Through cooperation with investigative agencies, we have developed forensic lights with cutting-edge technology and a high level of reliability in the forensic science and defense industry.
We at Parlay, provide products with the highest performance and technical capabilities that will work efficiently in on any sites of investigation.

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